Support for Afghan Refugees
The following materials were developed through a partnership between Center for Schools and Communities and Child Trends, a leading research organization focused on supporting youth and families in the U.S. These resources were developed with funds from the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Afghan Refugee School Impact Support to Schools program.
The Child Trends Toolkit and recorded webinars can help school staff better understand the unique experiences of Afghan refugee students and their families, and help them take action to foster safe and nurturing learning environments.
Child Trends recorded webinars
- Spring 2024 Series: Culturally Responsive Family Engagement for Afghan Refugee Families
- Fall 2023 Series: Understanding Trauma and Fostering Resilience When Working with Afghan Refugee Students and Their Families
Child Trends Toolkit
With approximately 195,000 Afghan immigrants in the United States, it’s critical for school staff to have the knowledge and tools necessary to support Afghan families and students in their communities. Child Trends partnered with Center for Schools and Communities to create a toolkit that can help school staff better understand the unique experiences of Afghan refugee students and their families and equip them with the skills to foster safe and nurturing learning environments.
Download our CSC-developed flyer PDFs and show your support for refugee students and families in your school and community:
- 10 Ways to Welcome Newcomers.
- Build Your Own Welcome Kit.
- Ways to Celebrate World Refugee Day.
- Starting School in the United States: A Guide for Newcomer Students’ Families from the Regional Educational Laboratory Program | U.S. Department of Education.
- Refugee Children in U.S. Schools: A Toolkit for Teachers and School Personnel a collaborative project between the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) and Bridging Refugee Youth and Children’s Services (BRYCS).
- Supporting Afghan Students in Schools and Youth Programs in the United States from Switchboard.
- A Toolkit for School Communities to Work with Afghan Refugee Families from Child Trends.
- A Guide for the Placement of Students Presenting Foreign Transcripts from Fort Lauderdale, FL: District School Board of Broward County, posted on Bridging Refugee Youth and Children’s Services (BRYCS).
- English Learner Tool Kit, Office of English Language Acquisition, U.S. Department of Education.
English Learner Tool Kit, from the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition, supported by the Office of English Language Acquisition, U.S. Department of Education.
Newcomer Toolkit PDF, for educators and other stakeholders who directly serve immigrant and refugee students, from the U.S. Department of Education.
Refugee Students’ Rights
Here, you will find policies that protect the rights of all students, including refugee youth. See the “Federal Guidance” tab below to explore other resources on federal government webpages.
- Dear Colleague Letter, May 8, 2014, Equal Educational Opportunities for All Children, U.S. Department of Education.
- Dear Colleague Letter, Fact Sheet: Information on the Rights of All Children to Enroll in School, U.S. Department of Education.
- Dear Colleague Letter, Information on the Rights of All Children to Enroll in School: Questions and Answers for States, School Districts and Parents, U.S. Department of Education.
- Fact Sheet: Immigrant and Refugee Student Bill of Rights from the Education Law Center.
- Afghan Refugee Civil Rights, Keeping the Promise Initiative, U.S. Department of Education.
- Know Your Rights: Title VI and Religion, U.S. Department of Education.
- Fact Sheet: Protecting Students from Discrimination Based on Shared Ancestry or Ethnic Characteristics, U.S. Department of Education.
- Dear Colleague Letter, Jan. 7, 2015, English Learning Sudents’ Rights, U.S. Department of Education.
- Dear Colleague Letter, September 6, 2023, Programs and supports for multilingual, immigrant and refugee students, from the U.S. Department of Education, Secretary of Education.
Federal Guidance
Resettlement Agency and State Contact Directories
Connect with resettlement agencies, key state support contacts, and other refugee service experts in your state, city and county.
Pennsylvania State Organizations for Refugee Support and Education
Language and Support Resources
- Explore resources from the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCLEA) for English Language Acquisition & Language Instruction Educational Programs.
- English Learner Tool Kit, Office of English Language Acquisition, U.S. Department of Education.
- Find local resources, including but not limited to, housing, legal support, education and community resources, in your area using USA Hello’s FindHello Webpage and App.
RSI Grantee Resources
The resources below are specific to Refugee School Impact grant recipients but can offer support to LEAs hoping to receive funding in future or connect with an RSI grantee.
- A list of all Dear Colleague Letters from FY 2016-FY 2025 from the Office of Refugee Resettlement.
- Refugee School Impact Program, Policy Letter 22-07 from the Office of Refugee Resettlement.
- Description of the Refugee School Impact Program from the Office of Refugee Resettlement.
- The Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Refugee Education Program.
- A list of all Policy Letters from the Office of Refugee Resettlement.